Security Uniforms

A Guide on Choosing the Right Security Guard Patches for Security Uniforms!

Security Uniforms

Whether you’re a new security guard getting outfitted for your job or a veteran guard looking to update your uniform, choosing the right security guard patches can be essential for professionalizing or enhancing your appearance.

Security patches can be used for stylish or informative purposes, identifying your agency, rank, and duties at a glance. With so many patch options on the market today, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down the different types of security patches and provide our best advice for selecting patches that match your needs and preferences. Read on to learn more… 

Understanding the Purpose of Security Patches

Before diving into patch styles and designs, it’s important to understand the purpose security patches serve. At their core, patches communicate vital information about a security guard’s role and affiliations in a simple, visual manner. Some key things patch typically convey include:

  • Affiliation with a Security Company – Whether a national chain or local agency, the company patch lets others know who you work for.
  • Specialized Training or Certifications – Some patches denote earned certifications in areas like armed security, executive protection, or emergency medical response.
  • Rank or Seniority – Similar to police uniforms, security patches sometimes include stripes or stars to convey a guard’s rank and experience level.
  • Area of Responsibility – Patches are often used to designate one’s assigned post, such as “Hospital Security” or “Airport Security.”

With uniforms appearing increasingly similar across different security providers, clear Custom Security Patches have never been more important for on-duty identification and communication between guards, clients, and local law enforcement. The right patches can bolster your image as a trained professional.

Different Types of Security Patches

When browsing patch options, it helps to be familiar with common styles:

  • Embroidered Patches: 

Embroidery remains the gold standard for durability and detailed designs. Embroidered patches feature raised, woven threads forming vivid images and text that resist wear and washing. Many agencies provide free embroidered name patches and logos.

  • Woven Patches: 

Some patches are woven from durable polyester thread as an alternative to embroidery for a lower-cost solution. While less lush than embroidery, modern weaving achieves sharp details.

  • Iron-On Patches: 

For a very affordable solution, iron-on patches feature printed designs that fuse directly to uniforms during the ironing process. Though less hardy than other options, iron-ons are ideal for occasional or temporary use.

  • Fabric Patches: 

Some patches consist of colorful fabric shapes sewn or glued in place. The fabric lends itself to vivid gradients and intricate cut-outs ideal for representing mascots or unique logos.

When choosing patches, consider your agency’s provided options as well as aftermarket enhancements from specialized uniform suppliers. A versatile collection allows you to express your role while maintaining standards.

Within the different types of patches, some consistent designs have become standard-bearers in the security field:

  • Agency Logo Patch: 

Displaying your security company’s brand mark in a professionally embroidered logo patch clearly communicates your affiliation. Many companies provide these at no cost.

  • Nametape or Velcro Name Patch:

Nametags in durable woven tape or Velcro-backed fabric promote positive identification. Agencies typically require them, and they are sometimes provided for free or at a low cost.

  • Collar/Shoulder Patch: 

Larger patches worn on collars or epaulets effectively broadcast your security role from a distance. Embroidered shoulder patches displaying ranked stripes are a staple of many uniforms.

  • Specialty Certification Patch: 

Showcasing extra training through patches for certifications in fields like executive protection or emergency response enhances your appeal to clients.

  • Security Forces Patch: 

For armed security positions, a tactical-styled security forces patch reinforces your role’s authority.

  • Regional Identifier Patch: 

Patches denoting your assigned territory, building, or supervised area prove helpful for coordination between shifts and cross-trained staff.

Within these proven stock designs, many guards also customize their uniforms through unique patches representing personal interests or experience in the military, law enforcement, or EMS fields. A balance of professionalism and self-expression helps guards feel pride in their roles.

Finding the Right Patches for Your Vest

When outfitting or updating security uniform accessories, it’s wise to consider your vest’s space and purpose. Vests serve as handy clipboards for critical safety information, so patch placement matters:

  • Front Panels: Reserve highly visible front spaces for the primary agency logo or qualification patches.
  • Shoulder Straps: Epaulets and shoulder strapbacks leave a prominent real estate for nametapes and rank insignia.
  • Side Panels: Secondary side panels provide less prominent but convenient spaces for specialty certification or territory security patches for vest identifiers.
  • Back Panel: The rear vest area allows a discreet showing of affiliation without overwhelming the eye.

Maintaining Professional Security Patches

To protect your uniform investment and uphold a polished image, handle patches with care:

  • Hand wash patches or spot clean as needed, air drying to retain colors and fibers.
  • For iron-on patches, re-fuse edges as they start to peel for prolonged life.
  • Inspect regularly for fraying of fabrics or threads and replace them as textures degrade over time.
  • Store patches flat rather than bunched when off-duty to prevent premature creasing.

With the right materials and care practices, your custom patches can remain vibrant representatives of your role and accomplishments for many fruitful career years to come. Presenting yourself as a dedicated security professional fosters the positive perceptions essential to mission success.


Exploring Security Patching strategically empowers you to tailor outward communications about your expertise and purpose through your uniform. Whether opting for time-tested classics or custom self-expression, quality patches rightly function as versatile nametags, unit identifiers, and conversation starters. With diligent selection and maintenance, the right patches can elevate your image for the lifetime of your career in security.

If you’re looking for top-notch security patches online, contact ProUniforms. We understand the significance of quality and reliability in the security industry, and our products are carefully crafted with attention to detail. With an extensive range of options and customizable designs, you can choose the perfect security patches for your uniforms and vests. Choose ProUniforms as your go-to security uniform store and enhance your team’s image and safety!